Our shooting activities are conducted on a very informal basis.
This informality and the spirit of shared knowledge has created probably one of the most enjoyable monthly gatherings at the Silverdale range.

Competition is simple in its structure, uncomplicated in its administration and easily understood by all participants.
Our group does not have a formal committee, the formation of an yet another layer of administration within SSAA is deemed unnecessary.

An elected Captain is responsible for the maintenance of the “Black Magic” Score Book and supervision of the monthly competitions.
In his absence, any Pistol Club Committee member can deputize for him.

Competition categories are:
Flintlock rifle, Percussion rifle, Flintlock pistol, Percussion pistol, Cap & Ball revolver.
All calibres are included in each category.
All rifle competitions are shot at 50 metres, Pistol and Cap & Ball revolvers at 25 metres.
Standard 25 metre pistol targets are used for all competitions.

The standard competition of 13 shots with the 10 best scored apply to all categories.
All matches are shot “off hand”. no post rests, no sitting on hay bales, no leaning against tables etc!
No time limits apply – There are usually too many distractions to maintain strict time limits – let's not destroy the informality of our group.

To qualify for the annual prize in any category, a group member must enter at least 6 scores, these are then averaged for the annual result.
Any scores in dispute are referred to the Captain, in his absence the popular opinion of the “mob” will determine the result.
There are no restrictions on the number of scores submitted in any category on any attendance day.
Competitions run concurrently with the SSAA year – i.e: November to October.
First prize in each category is an SSAA medallion and only First prize in each category is awarded, awards are presented at the December shoot each year.

For Contact details see Calendar.